dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

Find the Perfect Name for Your Pet

It's time to choose a name for your beloved pet, but you don't know what to name your dog? We've got you covered! We created a test based on the most popular dog names in the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Additionally, Petfinder's research on the connection between a dog's name, personality, and breed played a crucial role in shaping this test. To refine the final selection process, we also utilized veterinary clinic databases that analyze the frequency of dog names.

Based on these factors, we can accurately suggest a name for your dog. However, keep in mind that our recommendation is just a guideline—the final decision is yours! We hope you find the best and most memorable name for your furry friend :)

How energetic is your pet?

Does your pet like to be alone?

How does your pet interact with people?

What is your pet's size?

Does your pet enjoy exploring?

How well does your pet follow commands?

What color is your pet?

Is your pet protective?

Does your pet love attention?

How often does your pet bark or meow?

Do you want a unique name?

Do you prefer a traditional name?