dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

English Foxhound

English Foxhound
English Foxhound Photo #1


The English Foxhound is a sturdy hunting dog from the countrysides of England dating back to the 13th century. This breed has graceful balance and expansive lung capacity. They are powerfully driven hunters who live for the chase and prefer pack life with a hunter to being a family pet.


A short, flat coat of black, tan, and white fur covers the athletically built breed. English Foxhounds have downward flopping ears that lay close against the head and straight front legs. They can run for a long time at high speeds over great distances.


English Foxhounds are friendly dogs who enjoy the company of people but would prefer to spend their time socializing with other dogs. The breed is incredibly active with high energy that needs an outlet daily. They are also vocal dogs and not suitable for apartment life or owners who prefer the quiet type.

These loving dogs can be family pets, but only if the owners are extremely dedicated to maintaining a daily exercise regime and allow regular playdates with other dogs or have other dogs in the home. The English Foxhound desires the pack life, and will not be satisfied being an only dog.


The life expectancy for an English Foxhound is 11-13 years. As with any breed, there are genetic predispositions to specific ailments and injuries. Those most common for these dogs are dental disease, obesity, and knee problems like patellar luxation, which is when the kneecap shifts out of place.


While all dogs shed to some degree, English Foxhounds are not heavy shedders. Regular grooming with a hound mitt or rubber brush with help keep the moderate shedding to a minimum and help distribute its natural skin oils.


Because of their intense drive to hunt and chase, training this stubborn breed can be challenging. If there is the scent of prey in the air, your commands and corrections will not matter to the English Foxhound. Their hard-wired instincts will take over no matter what you want them to do.

The difficulty in training them combined with their high maintenance exercise and canine socialization needs lands this breed on the least desirable dogs list. There must be consistency, persistence, and a lot of patience for training the English Foxhound to be successful. Starting when it is a puppy yields the best chance of successfully training this hard-headed dog breed.

Breed Information

Popularity:2018: #189
2017: #189
2016: #187
2015: #184
Origin:United Kingdom
Breed Group:Hound (AKC:1909)
Scenthound (UKC)
Life span:10-13 years
Height:Male: 22-25 inches (56-63 cm)
Female: 21-24 inches (53-61 cm)
Weight:65-70 pounds (29-32 kg)
Colors:Black White & Tan
Lemon & White
Litter Size:5-7 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $1000 - $1200 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Cooper Molly
2 Rocky Sadie
3 Bear Chloe
4 Dexter Zoe
5 Harley Nala
6 Henry Pepper
7 Marley Maddie
8 Ollie Dixie
9 Romeo Dakota
10 Simba Phoebe
11 Apollo Charlie
12 Ziggy Jasmine
13 Koda Cleo
14 Chester Madison
15 Maverick Sally
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