dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

Brazilian Terrier

Brazilian Terrier
Brazilian Terrier Photo #1


There exist many kinds of Brazilian terrier-dogs from that you can get your choice. The Brazilian terrier-dogs, in very wide terms, are so courageous & confident dogs. Both are so happy, as great as active. Most of the dogs require more of attention & cannot be moved on the own for so long duration of time because they could be so destructive.

Although more of the dogs are understood to remain a little unreasonable as both tend to own minds of the own, both can be trained-quite easily. One will therefore get great pleasure in teaching them. Despite the, some varieties like these Boston-Terriers could prove so difficult to house-train and would therefore call to more of patience of you.


They are fit as a family-pet, as they remain good among kids. Both do combine harmoniously with different pets so as different dogs & cats they are raised among. One single job remains looking following the coat. Both require decent grooming each 4-6 weeks, & light brushing over their coat-every week. Both love to own a little, well-fenced yard that gives it space to operate around, though could be suited on apartment-life.

Small terrier-dogs are usually alert & this gives them so good watchdogs. Though they remain friendly, any breeds could be very competitive especially to characters that are different to them & want to be provided time to become used to it. A best example from such a puppy is the Brazilian Terrier. Opposite to this, other breeds similar the Border-Terrier are very affable with guests and indeed, so good among children.

The types of puppies have great energy levels & although both can be working indoors, both need to remain exposed to natural exercises outside. Although more of them doesn't bark unless both have a purpose to perform so, some varieties like these Brazilian Terriers could bark too many and require to be encouraged that every is well.

More Brazilian terrier-dogs like these Terrier remain very quiet, yet others similar the Brazilian-Terrier are so restless & may enjoy controlling around in these house.

It's important that one understand one's terrier-dogs so which you know everything they are able of & as such, operate towards supporting them become these best that both could be.


They are largely-long-lived, like these majority of small-sized breeds, among an expected-life of 12 to-5 years. The major health issue is "Spike's-Disease" but so few others. Both can be satisfied with exercises like playing among toys or either chasing-balls. To limit hyperactivity or either other destructive-behavior, both should do taken for great walks every day-due to their high-amount of power.

Breed Information

Breed Group:Terrier
Type:Cross Breed
Life span:12-14 years
Height:14-16 inches (36-41 cm)
Weight:15-20 pounds (7-9 kg)
Colors:Black & White
Blue & White
Litter Size:4-7 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $500 - $700 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Charlie Lucy
2 Bear Chloe
3 Riley Stella
4 Gus Lulu
5 Bruno Princess
6 Gizmo Lexi
7 Hank Belle
8 Moose Millie
9 Finn Shelby
10 Bo Harley
11 Oreo Macy
12 Brutus Mimi
13 Kobe Grace
14 Bubba Nina
15 Mickey Lucky
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