dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise Photo #1


That is a little dog that's about 9-12 inches on height, with these bitches doing slightly smaller. The weight is among 7-12 pounds. The sturdy though little puppy looks similar a ball-of fluff. While cut to these breeds shows standard it seems round, this could be on a puppy-cut, which is that same length-over the entire body. It could also become a poodle-cut, or either puffy coat among the muzzle & feet clipped-short. These skull is somewhat round to seem at. These muzzle is little than these skull & not pointed. The eyes could be brownish or either black.

The ears are cut close on the head & are covered on their long-hair. In the breed, these teeth shall meet in the scissor bite. The legs are accurate and on good proportion on the body. The tail is taken over the back. Both have a fine double coat which is soft & curly. The outer coat remains three to 4-inches & is coarser than these soft substantial-undercoat.

That little dog's-history goes backward to the 13th-century. Both have moved lots & due to the sunny disposition remained used as trade by more sailors. Both became successful in Spain. Both became known because the sailor's-dog also using water and recovering, but it's not a real retriever or either water-dog.


That, as in its-history, is a great companion, choosing to be among its human-family. The dog is great, bold & lively displaying great affection. It's not a yappy-dog, and is simple to train & with their beauty want these owner to remain happy. Hither we've a dog that's naturally sociable, living fine with every family members. Both are fine among other pets & good within these canine world.

While you can think here we've a dog that's great among children. On answering all this, the dogs can get a good-watchdog. Here we've a naturally compliant and competitive. Potty-training this dog could be a difficulty, but the breed gets where in these end. Requiring firm rules, providing the dog these knowledge it requires to satisfy you. 


This breed could have epilepsy, skin-problems, cataracts and this too includes consciousness to flea-bites, dislocated-kneecaps, ear difficulties and watery-eyes.


Among bathing, needed-monthly, & grooming, a rare times a-week, you would still need to take the dog to on a saloon, to professional grooming regularly.


This remains a happy-breed and would just need to be among its human-family, and so the dog can breathe in the apartment easily giving they own daily walks, game will assist get what energy out though all dogs-love to own a walk.

Breed Information

Popularity:2018: #46
2017: #46
2016: #45
2015: #44
Origin: France
Breed Group:Non Sporting (AKC:1972)
Companion (UKC)
Life span:12-15 years
Height:Male: 9-12 inches (23–30 cm)
Female: 9-11 inches (23-28 cm)
Weight:7-12 pounds (3–5 kg)
White & Apricot
White & Buff
White & Cream
Litter Size:2-5 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $700 - $1000 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Max Bella
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3 Oliver Luna
4 Leo Abbie
5 Ollie Dixie
6 Jasper Olive
7 Blue Missie
8 Otis Marley
9 Apollo Charlie
10 Tank Callie
11 Ace Sugar
12 Thor Winnie
13 Chester Madison
14 Kobe Grace
15 Maverick Sally
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