dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier Photo #1


In the-mid-1800s, pit bulls & terriers were crossed & imported into the United-States of England in order to fight-dogs. This was the starting of the American-Pit Bull-Terrier. These ranchers at this point used some dogs as operating dogs. The dogs were made not to assault the owners, however, to remain good warriors of-dogs. The American-Pit Bull-Terrier used to have a family-dog in the United-States, however, its status-began to decline after World-War II.

The dogs still be as family-dogs in the country, however, both have been in a negative-light for 30- years due to the association among medications & the city's internal-crimes. The dog is too raised to act-strongly towards people, & here the world to satisfy their masters is-exploited. Unfortunately, the dogs are kept to reasons of illegal-bets & dog-fights. The American Pit-Bulls are also prominent-among the most-abandoned, abused or either ignored races-that exist.


This is the extremely insightful-breed, but too curious, clownish & sweet. The dogs are known for the cozy & affectionate nature. These American Pit-Bull terrier is prone to remain stubborn & energetic, but at these opposite extreme both can also be overly-friendly to individuals. Every possession of a previous-dog is prescribed ere obtaining an American-Pit Bull-Terrier as a family-pet.

Unlike these generalized feeling which these dogs aren’t mindless killing-machines, they’ve a great tendency-towards different dogs, though they are no-more ruthless to personal than other dog-breeds. They are-faithful, obedient & great with one’s people & families. Both make terrific guard-dogs and, in general, both are great with different family pets, involving different dogs if both have been-socialized with pets different than young puppies.


The American-pitbull for the more part stays anywhere in the variance of 18 & 22-inches tall, & says anything somewhere on the 10 & 50-kg range, & has a-couple of referred medical-problems, for example, It-inclines to waterfalls & innate coronary-disease. American-pitbulls have a life-expectancy of around 12-years, have a-litter of around 5-10 puppies & need the normally exercise to use a lot of vitality. These tones change of trailing-pitbulls to blue-pitbulls, red nosed-pitbulls and dark-pitbulls.


However, these property of Pit Bull isn’t for anyone. These race is notorious to being excessively-blunt & in every urban areas these property is controlled & even not enabled. This notoriety isn’t really deserved, therefore the dog isn’t to blame as more as these owner. Dogs, on general, would be energetic with strange-dogs and would have a great-prey.

A conscious-owner who could think, train & exercise legitimately require a good-dog or owner-relationship. Care is needed to ensure that these dog doesn’t wander unsupervised & remain in these chain when in open-places. If animosity forever manifests towards a-person, which is really-unique, the dog-must be evaluated by-an expert to decide these problem that should be remedied.

Breed Information

Origin:United States
Breed Group:Terrier
Life span:10-14 years
Strong Willed
Height:14-24 inches (35-60 cm)
Weight:22-78 pounds (10-35 kg)
Black and Tan
Litter Size:5-8 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $500 - $700 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Max Bella
2 Oliver Luna
3 Jake Lily
4 Buster Gracie
5 Ollie Dixie
6 Blue Missie
7 Scout Honey
8 Apollo Charlie
9 Hunter Willow
10 Ziggy Jasmine
11 Luke Hazel
12 Rufus Sydney
13 Rudy Katie
14 Benny Allie
15 Brady Penelope
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