dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel
American Cocker Spaniel Photo #1


The American Cocker is one of the nine spaniel breeds which are for the most part individuals from the sporting dog group. The history of the breed goes back to fourteenth century Europe, where the dogs were known as "spanyells" and they were bred for hunting to flush and recover game for their owners. 

They were found in France and Switzerland yet are accepted to have started in Spain. At the point when brought into England the spaniel breed started to frame the spaniels that we know today. The English Cocker, the English Springer Spaniel and what has turned into the American Cocker all offer a similar legacy.

In the mid-1800s, there were two mainstream English spaniels of which one was the ancestor of the present English Springer Spaniel and the other a smaller cocking spaniel (alluding to its claim to fame in hunting woodcocks). 

American Cocker Spaniel Temperament 

The Personality of Cocker Spaniel has the normal temperament that makes him is joyful, cheerful, certain and smart. They have perfect temperament clever, constantly agreeable and willing to make running.

These dogs will, in general, be delicate identities that don't let themselves restraining unforgiving. Because of high interest for this breed, mating was fouled up and this prompted the presence of some terrified or even aggressive, wrathful breeds, or some of them before their owners presented pee because of too enthusiastic temperament. However, by a thorough coordinating of these pairs, it was endeavoured to address these deficiencies. 

Family & Home Relations are extremely wonderful because of the way that American Cocker Spaniel is a smart dog, exceptionally eager to be pleasant, truly adaptable, not focused excessively if left alone, it isn't extremely aggressive, it gets social well with different pets and extremely suited as companions for kids. They are exceptionally inquisitive, so these dogs adjust well to life in the apartment or at the yard. 

American Cocker Spaniel Lifespan 

The lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel is around 10-14 years, and regular medical problems incorporate PRS. HD, waterfalls, autoimmune issues, skin conditions, partition anxiety and epilepsy. Ear infections are additionally very normal. 

American Cocker Spaniel Care and Shedding 

The eyes of these dogs ought to be cleaned all the time. A few owners like to leave the coats of these dogs long, and others want to shortchange it. If you abandon it long, it ought to be brushed on a daily premise and the dogs additionally showered regularly. If the coat is kept short there will be less maintenance included. Be that as it may, both ways these dogs will require some ordinary grooming to keep their coats in a decent condition.

The American Cocker Spaniel is a normal shedding dog.

Breed Information

Popularity:2018: #29
2017: #29
2016: #29
2015: #30
Origin:United States
Breed Group:Sporting (AKC:1878)
Gun Dog (UKC)
Life span:12-15 years
Temperament:Even Tempered
Height:15-16.5 inches (38-41 cm)
Weight:15-30 pounds (7-14 kg)
Black & Tan
Litter Size:4-7 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $600 - $800 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Bentley Roxy
2 Milo Penny
3 Winston Ginger
4 Baxter Piper
5 Bruno Princess
6 Hank Belle
7 Rex Kona
8 Finn Shelby
9 Bo Harley
10 Boomer Minnie
11 Luke Hazel
12 Gunner Josie
13 Chester Madison
14 Kobe Grace
15 Brady Penelope
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