dog breeds Total: 369 Breeds


Akita Photo #1


The Japanese-Akita-Inu is among the biggest Japanese dog varieties. Akitas developed in the rugged regions of the Akita Prefecture. However, after some time the Akitas were mixed with different other dog breeds, for example, the Tosa. Centuries prior, the Akita was possessed just by the Shogun. The dog was utilized to follow the substantial game and hold it under control until the point that the seekers touched base to make the execute. A portion of the kinds of the game the Akita followed included pronghorn, elk, pig and the 800-pound Yezo bear. 

Hellen Keller was one of the main Americans to convey the Akita to the US. She communicated enthusiasm for the Akita Inu breed and was presented with the initial two to enter the US. Amid the 1960s, the Akitas advanced into the US. The Akita-Club-of-America was instituted in 1956. About 1973, the Akita breed was acknowledged into the American-Kennel-Club's Working-Group. 

Akita Temperament 

The Japanese Akita remains between 22-27 crawls at the shoulders and weighs between 75-120 pounds. The Akita Inu comes in five coat hues, red, grovel, sesame, spot and unadulterated white. In the same way, like other of the other Japanese-dog-breeds, the Akita has a fluffy thick twofold coat with coarse, straight fur on the external coast and fluffy thick delicate fur in the undercoat. 

The Akitas are exceptionally loyal and smart dogs. Since the Akitas are so wise they get exhausted effortlessly. Subsequently, they can regularly wind up damaging and forceful if they are not offered anything to do. Akitas can live cheerfully in apartments as long as they are given a lot of activities. Like most Japanese breeds they have to associate as doggies with the goal that they are amicable towards different dogs and individuals.

Akitas have been known to be extremely energized at seeing their proprietors, frequently squirming around and making glad grunts. They are great with youngsters and are regularly extremely lively. They are a great family dog with the correct preparing and socialization. 

Akita Dog Lifespan And Shedding 

The Akitas life anticipation ranges from 10 to 12 years. Likewise, with any dog with a twofold coat, the Akita requires customary grooming. The Akita experiences one to two overwhelming sheddings a year. 

This breed additionally has a couple of referred to inherited medical issues, for example, Cataracts: The opacity of the eye causing the visual deficiency. Canine-hip-dysplasia: A distortion of hip-joints which causes joint pain, Sebaceous adenitis: An immune system condition that demolishes the sebaceous organs of the skin 

Hyperkalaemia: Akitas have unusually high blood potassium fixations contrasted with different breeds, Hypothyroidism: low production of thyroid-hormone which outcomes in weight-gain, hair-loss, infertility & other constant metabolic conditions. Von Willebrand's sickness: A typical bleeding issue is seen in numerous breeds of dogs, Atopy: An unfavourably susceptible turmoil that causes tingling, hair loss & infections of the skin.

Breed Information

Popularity:2018: #47
2017: #47
2016: #46
2015: #46
Breed Group:Working (AKC:1972)
Herding (UKC:1980)
Life span:10-14 years
Height:Male: 26-28 inches (66-71 cm)
Female: 24-26 inches (61-66 cm)
Weight:Male: 75-120 pounds (34-54 kg)
Female: 75-110 pounds (34-50 kg)
Litter Size:3-12 puppies
Puppy Price:Average $800 - $1200 USD

Breed Characteristics

Apartment Friendly:
Cat Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Watchdog Ability:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Tucker Bailey
2 Teddy Zoey
3 Bailey Coco
4 Buster Gracie
5 Murphy Ruby
6 Harley Nala
7 Marley Maddie
8 Brody Ella
9 Scout Honey
10 Rex Kona
11 Simba Phoebe
12 Tank Callie
13 Chase Bonnie
14 Chester Madison
15 Mickey Lucky
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